TreX Team Building

Thousand Pines View

Such a busy Friday, I rushed to pack all my things in about half and hour. I was running around my house like a crazy person. Finally after about 3 bags were packed and having repacked several times to bigger and bigger bags, I get a text from Dianne that she was outside.

Dianne and Jenn met at my house and we left to pick up Lisa, who lives on the way. We took off and were on our way to Thousand Pines, a Christian Retreat Center. Chit chatting our way up, we got a glimpse of each others lives.

We grabbed a bite to eat at a diner nearby the facilities. More talking and getting to know one another! We got to Thousand Pines early so we wandered around. The whole retreat center is surrounded by nature… tall trees and trails. The trees and squirrels reminded me of being in Oregon. It was great.

I was pretty tired today since I started my day early and I not used to being around people all day so it was different from my usual life style. At the evening session, Ed asked us to find someone we didn’t know, get to know them and pray for them. This was uncomfortable for me since I am uncomfortable talking to people I don’t know and then having to pray out loud is another discomfort for me. It worked out, as it usually does and all went well. First night turned out okay.

Finally – time for bed!!!
Goodnight everyone.

Glorious Day in nature

I couldn’t sleep well last night… good thing we decided to get up early and go hiking. A group of us decided to go hiking/exploring the facility grounds.

The only problem was…. there was no where to really explore. Surrounding the retreat center were back yards of peoples homes. So we took pictures*


Building Team

The retreat center has this course that we all did and there was some team work involved. Rock climb wall, zip line a short distance and some obstacles. Fun!

I am afraid of heights so this was a challenge for me. I even chose the easiest climbing path!

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This is the ropes course and you get two spotters, Peter and Jenn were gracious enough to spot me while I trotted along the rope.

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Last Day of the Retreat

We had some extra time so we decided to play basketball. I haven’t played horse in years but it was either this or sit on the sides and watch the guys play so I joined in.
I was doing all right with all my “granny throws”

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What a weekend full of nice relaxing, quiet nature and good fellowship. Now it is time to go home!


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