Public Transportation to Little Ethiopia (LA)


Sunday, the TreX South Africa team rode public transportation to Little Ethiopia to try new food something, close to something new we would be trying in South Africa.


I think a very small group of us knew where we were going, the rest of the team had no clue we were about to journey using public transportation to eat in Little Ethiopia in Los Angeles.

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Finally, we are here! Addis – restaurant


So it is July 2010 which means the world cup is going on (In South Africa) and so the TV is on, service isn’t great and the air conditioning wasn’t on either… we are definitely testing our patience today. I’m thinking … the food better be good.

Food was awesome!



Bellies are full and now it is time to get our butts back home… by public transportation.

The experience was great for many reasons: The team had to work together to take public transportation, something fairly new and scary for most of us. We also had to walk and kind of guide each other around the town. We were able to get closed to each other some more and kind of stick together to get through something. This was great practice and a great experience for everyone on the team.

Good job team!





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