Going to Africa

DSCN1474Ready to depart, Jamie from work takes me to the Danielle’s around 1pm. Danielle and I pick up Jen around 2pm and the rest of the team minus Dianne arrives at 4pm. I was so worried about my luggage situation not working and luckily Danielle let me borrow two luggage bags to replace my one. It works!

It is a hot day and everyone is dressed to be comfortable during the plane ride to South Africa where it is currently winter season. Which means even though it is super hot here in SoCal, we are all in sweaters, jeans, pants etc…

The Prime Time shuttle takes all 8 of us Trex team members and 17 bags to LAX where we meet up with Dianne. We are riding British Air, and everyone is praying they do not loose our luggage (something they are notorious for). We take off after an hour delayed and it is
now about 10pm. Nobody is sitting by anyone but everyone has either an aisle or window seat. Each passenger gets their own tv screen where they can choose from various movies, TV shows and music. So we depart.



We have a few hour layover in London so I grab a beer, lunch and of course shop.








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