Free2Work Fair Trade to Fight Trafficking


FREE2WORK, is an organization that helps people like us (consumers) get more information on products out there and those under fair trade guidelines. You can see ratings based on the companies so you can be a better consumer. It doesn’t mean, go throw your iphone away because it was made with parts from different countries where unfair labor were involved but it provides you better decision making info!

Happy Shopping.

There is also an app for the FREE2Work campaign also. Most of us think that human trafficking is only fueled by corrupt people but when we buy merchandise made by those who are forced to work 18 hour days and take home less than $1.00 a day or month, then we are also fueling the Human Trafficking ring.

The only way it can stop is if we all become more aware of what we buy and do and take caution into who made it. Let’s buy products made with love and heart rather than sweat and blood!


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