Arts & Crafts

Today I woke up much later and still early enough to practice yoga. I’ve been practicing morning and night because the other volunteers I would be sharing my room with are gone for the days off and will be back Wednesday. I woke up and outside it’s raining pretty crazy. Outside you hear all sorts of nature sounds… Crickets, frogs, birds and now rain. It sounds like a jungle out there.


I tried to make hot water for some tea this morning and I couldn’t figure it out!!! It’s just a kettle but I can’t get it to turn on. I want my tea…. I should have listened when Laura explained how to use it! I figured at the time…. It’s just an electric kettle. Yes I made sure it was plugged in! Anyhow, I quit trying and went back to bed to read my book.

Starting today the girls have break from school so the rest of the time I am here, they will be here all day. The day started out slow,  just mingling and talking. Lunch was good… I was craving soup so thank you for the soup!

We did arts and crafts before lunch and made God Boxes! A God Box is a box that you can give your problems or wishes to and let them leave your mind. That way it doesn’t eat at your mind. I think everyone can use a God Box.  The girls did a really good job and everyone had their own unique box.











Uyi loves the Korean culture and she even self taught herself to read and write Korean. I wrote my name in Korean and she read it without my help. She brought out her Thai/korean book to ask me questions.

Then we had the girls write goals or dreams on a sheet of paper to put in their box. So they did that.

The girls wanted to go to their school which is walking distance to say bye to their friends. No sure where they were going but Rahel and I tagged along so we could walk around a bit. It was really close. The dog Tiki even followed us. It’s weird cause some homes had chickens on their land just roaming freely with the gates open so the chickens could easily run out orrrrr even worse… (maybe) the dog could go in and eat all the chicken. There are so many dogs roaming free. As we passed by though. The dog did not go in those properties and the chickens did not run away. There must be an invisible gate or something. I don’t get it!

We walk around the school and find the playground.









You would think in a tropical humid moisture mass area, metal would not be used for childrens playground. ??? Confused ??? Aying got on. We got a tour of the school. The school is really big. Meeju and New’s sister Ning showed us. Aying attends this school also. We hung around outside and I even took a picture of Ning and her friends.



We went back to COSA, we actually took a longer route so we could walk more and got to see more rivers and even a cow. The cow started walking towards me but it was on a leash. I have that picture on my dslr. By the evening I felt this swelling in my eye. I think I have pink eye! Noooooo….. I’ve been trying to avoid it. A lot of the other gals have it!!! I can’t really tell because I’ve never had it before but it hurts a lot. Awww… Boooo…. Ok I’m over it. Time for dinner.


Dinner was soooooo good. Coconut curry! And I had some avocado and it was less tasteful than California. Interesting… Ok eye hurts, tired and can’t stop coughing. Time for yoga then bed. Ciao.


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