Creating the perfect bedtime ritual

 bedtime rituals yogabysusan susanhchong
I know that I need to be as prepared as possible for the morning because as soon as I wake up, I am on the go. After my quick morning medi of course. Medi = meditation!
So it is important that I’m rested and prepared for the day to start. I used to dilly dally around until I knew it was time for bed but after many sleepless nights I finally decided to explore different rituals and how it affected my energy and getting to sleep.

My evenings are precious. I use the time to:
– yoga or take a walk 2 hours
– study/research 1-1.5 hrs
– assess how the day went 20 min.
– plan the next day (including clothes or packing any things I need with me on the road) 20-30 min.
– journal 25 min.
– drink some tea 10 min. but can multi task
– check social media 1 hr. who am I kidding? This might be under guessing
– hang out with my dog 30 min.
– meditation 20-30 min.
– wash up 15 min.
This is a lot of tasks that I do on the D A I L Y !!!
All are important and all are necessary. I had to plan mentally busied tasks firsts and the least brain power required last.
With all the tasks rearranged, what I never change are these:
– Cuddle time with dog
– Journal – I’ve added listing what I’m grateful for.
– Drinking tea.
– Meditation
Also, I’m pretty wired for most of the day from the moment I wake up. I have noticed that with being anxious person if I rush to do anything, everything gets affected including my nervous system and my mental capacity. So around 7-8pm I begin to dim the lights. Also if I need to walk to get anything I try to move a bit slower. Taking slower strides. I noticed this has worked for me. I think baths would be great but I’m not excited about my bathtub at my apartment so I’ll skip that ritual act (although I miss this very much).
I have a problem sleeping if there is light so my favorite thing in the whole wide world that I definitely always travel with is an eye pillow. This thing can make me sleep for days. My favorite one is here.
Are there any rituals that implemented to help you sleep? What about items that you use for your rituals?


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