the handstand project

I said I was going to do this before. I suck. I lied. I had an injury but really that is just an excuse. My chiropractor who is helping me live pain free said I should lay of headstands but never anything about inversions on my hands. I’m going to try and really focus on handstands and back bends next year and I want to dabble in it now (not that I haven’t).

I’m not sure why I love inversions. It’s probably because of the progress I’ve made in my yoga practice and the inversions are just a whole lot of fun. Now I want more control in my practice since I’ve overcome some inversion fears.

So this is the handstand project.

What is the goal or purpose of this? I keep getting stronger and being able to hold a handstand but not more than a few seconds and definitely without much control. Then I skip a few days of practicing and never get to build upon my previously built strength. I’m constantly fascinated with inversions and handstands are ones I want to master. Along with back bends. But first handstands… maybe while also working back bends.

Details: To get my handstand shot, I use my GoPro4 on a tripod 95% of the time. Simple.

Day One: Practicing kicks. I don’t get how to pull the ribs in while inverted.



Day Two: I like practicing at a studio vs. my apartment because of the amount of space I have to fall.

handstand project - day 2 - susan


Day Three: I tell myself over and over again “I am the inverting queen” and I put my all into the practice. I can hold of a solid 3-4 seconds but not every time. I also switch kicking off with each leg so I can a fairly even practice.

Day 3 Handstands 365



Day Four: I see and feel the progress. Way to scared to do donkey kick (both legs kick off ground at the same time).

Day 4 handstand challenge yoga by susan


Day Five: I can practice jumping up into handstands for about 2-3 minutes and be sweating and raise my heart rate. Is this normal for everyone?

Day five handstand challenge yoga by susan


Day 6: No more full time computer work. I’m dabbling in full time yoga teacher and some other things I’ve been working on. I guess more time for handstands.

Day 6 Handstand Challenge Yoga by Susan


Day 7: Getting close but not getting “the hold” when I’m up. I keep wondering what I am missing.

day 7 handstand


Day 8: Studio = fun

Day 8 Handstand


Day 9: Tried using yoga paws today thinking it would be easier. It isn’t. Maybe because the gloves are tight or I’m not used to them. You can get them on amazon.

Day 9 handstand

Day 10: Finally! I held the handstand a bit longer today.

Day 10 handstand

Day 11: I wasn’t in the mood today but practiced to stay committed. It wasn’t easy and I didn’t give my all but I got a pretty good pic. Some days, you just have to do it and sometimes when you don’t care, you got further. Has this ever happened to you?

Handstand day 11

Day 12: I’m going to blame these pants. I didn’t feel comfortable in them doing yoga. Running maybe. Walking for sure but yoga was a bit odd, maybe it was too tight. It’s 100% my fault for wearing them without trying them on first.

Day 12 handstand

Day 13: Did this quick demo for a friend who is also working on her handstand. There are some drills I do either before or after my handstand practice. Sometimes instead of. This was not part of my practice but the only one I got a picture of. I look really tall in the photo.

Day 13

Day 14: I am teaching a lot and my body is constantly sore. Today, I practiced at the wall for support.


Day 15: I’ve taken about two weeks of because I was so busy and sore. Really that is a horrible excuse. I got inspired again thanks for someone on Instagram who has been documenting her handstand journey. I may break off and do individual posts instead of one for all. I keep having to scroll down to find this post to continue adding to it.

Again, I wore the not yoga pants for yoga.

Day 15 Handstand


Day 16: I’m constantly running around and rarely home now. I literally warmed up while cleaning and quickly took this shot, in short.

Day 16 Handstand

Day 17: I hurt my thumb so I have to take it easy.


Day 18 – New Years 2017. I have skipped many days (maybe a couple of weeks). Leaning but up.



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