Tattoo removal sucks!

I have a few tattoos. When I got them, I didn’t even flinch. Tattoo artists and friends have commented on the level of my pain threshold. Forget that, I feel pain but maybe my adrenaline kicks in, whatever. A tattoo removal is a laser treatment used to break down the ink. The session, the actual laser part is like 30 seconds to 1 minute. I want to chop off an arm to feel the pain somewhere else.

Minus the smell of your skin burning. It just hurts so bad I want to quick. I’m done with my 5th session at Dr. Tattoff and seriously, it is the most painful thing ever. I’ve tried applying lidocaine with a higher percentage and taken pain medication before, NOTHING WORKS. I have a friend who got her tattoos removed and because she is allergic to numbing cream, she had to go commando with the skin. OMG, super HERO!

Thanks goodness the staff at Dr. Tattoff are the nicest sweetest group of people. I think all ladies. When I tell her to stop while holding back tears and screams never a complaint and always kind encouraging words. It must be a requirement. I saw a video once where a guy was getting a tattoo removed from his face and I just thought… man I’d rather tattoo the empty space! No thanks.

I want to get more tattoos but damn… not sure.

This is the tattoo fresh in ’04 (when I was in my early early 20’s)

2004 tattoo yoga by susan


This is after 5 tattoo removal treatments 2016.

tattoo removal yoga by susan


Like I can’t even look at that. Alright so here’s the deal with tattoo removals.

I think the typical treatments are about a year for removing a tattoo. Of course this can vary. Like mine will probably require 10 years (exaggeration) of treatments to erase.

You go in every 6-8 weeks or every other month-ish.

The laser is super fast. This tattoo is about the size of my hand. So far, I’ve stopped the person performing the treatment AT LEAST ONCE (sometimes more, sad face).

The laser breaks down the ink, which your immune system fights off and bam… ink gone. I was able to get my deal on a promotion where I paid for a year and it’s a guaranteed procedure until gone. Meaning, even after  a year, if the tattoo is not gone I can keep going at no additional cost until it is.

**Numbing takes time. When you purchase your package or maybe you just go in per session. You either go in early and pay for them to numb it but go in at least half an hour before your appointment. Or, get your own lidocaine and apply it 30-40 minutes before your appointment. I apply twice. Mine is 4%. I wish I had a higher percentage.

I read that the reason the pain is so high is because the pain isn’t just on the outside but also on the inside. You are only numbing 20-30% with the lidocaine given by the tattoo removal places.

If you are looking to get a tattoo, good luck. If you are looking to get one removed, good luck!~



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