Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana – Revolved Head to Knee Pose Variation

Revolved Head to Knee Pose - parivrtta janu sirsasana


I have been inversion obsessed lately. I just wrapped up an inversion workshop on Saturday and have been craving some grounded poses, low to the earth. Now I am still working on my 365 days of handstands every day but besides that, I’m keeping things low and active.

This revolved head to knee pose is a deep side bend. It is also my first time in it. My left leg is actively pressing into the ground because the femur is really working here. Also, I’m pressing actively through the left heel as if pressing into a wall.

I had to keep adjusting because my right ankle kept pressing in close to my hips and my knee was over my toes. Okay if I’m holding the pose for a short bit. Not okay since I was holding the pose for 10 breaths on both sides. Lengthen through the torso, reach the crown of the head towards the top of the left foot.

I’m actively rotating up towards the ceiling with the right side of my body. I’m gently with my right elbow/shoulder because of a previous injury but still working it here.

As you hold the pose here, maintain an ujjayi breath and allow yourself to melt deeper on each exhalation. Stay active in the pose by allowing the muscles to keep hugging the bone in the body. You can keep your gaze down towards the ground, out to the side or up.

Notice how you feel after the pose~ and share anything with me.

Warm-ups for the pose.

  • Upavistha konasana
  • Side to side stretch
  • Twists
  • Gate pose – parighasana




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