The Handstand Project Days 22-26

I have been practicing more regularly. My yoga goals are backbends, arm balances and inversions.

I barely get any hang time but every so often I surprise myself with the float.

Day 22: My typical home practice sequence is a quick warm-up to loosen tightness. Some vinyasas and maybe some push-ups in between.

Then I go straight into handstands. My heart rate goes up because I’m making changes each time to have the best handstand I’ve ever done. When I take a break, I stretch my shoulders like puppy dog pose. Then I do some forearm balances to break it up. Usually by now… I’m drenched in sweat (sorry, TMI).

Then if I feel I need to break again, I go into backbends. I usually do a variety. Wheel AKA Urdhva Dhanurasana or King Pigeon AKA Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana. I definitely use props when needed and I have no shame in using them or a stool or table to find my pose for the evening.


Day 23: Excuse the mess in the background.


Day 24: I did not want to practice today. I had just eaten and was feeling lazy. However I feel, the post yoga feeling never fails to bring me back to exhilaration. No matter how I feel I constantly feel blessed that I found a practice that suits me so well and gives me so much happiness. What types of things do that for you?


Day 25:  You don’t always need a mat to practice yoga. However, when I have pictures where there is no mat… it means I just practiced handstands for picture purposes rather than a full on home practice.


Day 26: A little lopsided but I got some hang time today. I felt heavy today though so it was tough to continue practicing for a longer period. I can’t wait for the rain to stop finally and SoCal weather to come back. The rain has really brought me down and it’s still in our forecast!



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