Making bruises

Sometimes when you are at a loss, ask the world wide web. I had been dealing with tenonitis for some time now in my right elbow. I can accept the rest from yoga, I can accept that lifting boxes and moving furniture is not in my near future but I was having a hard time even lifting a pillow. Anytime there was weight on my right arm, I felt strong pain shoot into my elbow area. This pain would sometimes reach up to my shoulder but mostly the pain stayed near my right elbow. This would cause me to release any grip or flex that was happening. 

Looking at the bright side

I did learn to use more of my left arm which is a good thing. We don’t do this too often so I learned to appreciate it. I felt uncomfortable shaking people’s hand or lifting babies because saying no would be rude. So I held in the pain.

I tried the elbow brace, which does help. I tried staying off yoga for about 2 months and it didn’t really get much better. I then decided to reach out to my friends on Facebook or Instagram (I can’t remember which one) to see if anyone has dealt with this similar situation and how they overcame it. One of my newer SUP Yoga friends said she overcame her pain through acupuncture. Ah-ha! I love acupuncture. I’ve been treated with acupuncture since a young child. Since I’m not in Seattle, I yelped a few places and visited a few places but the cost of acupuncture is quite high. I think some of it is covered through insurance but you do need to go pretty often so it wasn’t really going to work for me. Then I found another acupuncture in Bellevue. 

The whole entry to the clinic, intro and review of my symptoms was an experience that felt familiar to me so I felt comfortable pretty quickly. No anxiety like usual. She said she would do some cupping and actually that part made me nervous because I had no idea if that be painful or uncomfortable in any way. It wasn’t. I was left with a bunch of circular marks of various red and blue colors.

Taken in the bathroom. Not pretty but you can obviously see the circles from cupping.
I went into Uwajimaya like this. I worried people would think I looked weird but later realized how silly I am to care about what others think
The needles are very small, I barely felt the stab. Zero pain and really felt good.


I have no idea if the exhaustion I felt was from acupuncture and cupping but I just felt lethargic and a mild loss of energy. Maybe because all the energy was being brought to life to heal my arm? (my theory).

I have had about 6 treatments now and I do feel better. I started working out again, even handstands on a pretty regular basis, chaturanga’s and no pain lifting things.

Dit Da Jow

The acupuncturist recommended I topically apply this so I purchased this from her for $20 or $30 (I can’t remember). It smells very herbally, which I actually enjoy. It has also been helping and lasts a long time. I apply this morning and night. I’ve also been applying this to my right hip for some joint pain I am having there.

To read more about this medicine, check out:

Everything Wing Chun

Asian Medicine


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