The dumbest excuse

The dumbest excuse is “I’m too busy” or “I don’t have time”. I hear it all the time. From almost anyone except my mom. I don’t ask her for much but she is the one who makes time. For awhile, I thought I didn’t have time to do things I’ve wanted… like write more, practice more yoga, learn new skills etc… I do stay pretty busy but I know I have time. Recently, things I’ve started haven’t had much progress. For instance, my path to personal training certification. I signed up for a study course and paid over $1000 and without too much studying, took the exam and failed. This was maybe two years ago and I have not done much studying to be in a better place. Do I still want the cert? Yes!

Also, I find myself keeping a lot in my head and heart. This creates a lot of anxiety and I stay as busy and occupied as I can to move forward. Writing and yoga are two things in my life that have always helped me deal with the things that I cannot outwardly explain. I still practice yoga, just not as often as I used to. I’m still loving life, don’t worry. This rant is really about coming back to it more often. No more excuses.

I think part of the problem is that I think I’m a poor writer. I also know the solution to that is to write more, if that is what I enjoy. Recently, I went to Hawaii for my cousin’s wedding. While there, I decided to share a bit about my journey. When I went to Thailand or South Africa, I would do this in writing and then in photos. I edited my writing multiple times through the years. Writing helped me remember small details that as I would later re-read, would bring me back to those moments that I really felt so part of something exciting.

I’m actually not traveling much these days. Busy with work and school. However, since Hawaii, I’ve started to learn how to edit videos. Not the one minute ones for Instagram but longer ones for YouTube. I love the part of creating, editing and sharing. I’m soooo far from where I want to be, but am enjoying the challenges of editing in Adobe CC so far. It is painful to learn and I’ve had a few too many glasses of wine trying to release some of that frustration. Little by little, I’m learning (thanks to YouTube).

Expect to see more of me. Maybe in writing, photos or videos. Many more forward moving projects to come and lots of other great news coming soon!

No more excuses. See my first recent video below. I realize some parts are excruciatingly dragging on but I was more about the editing than the story line.


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