I really meant to ace the day

But I only did better than yesterday. I planned my meals, packed them up, I wasn’t supposed to be hungry so no snacks were necessary.

I was supposed to finish work, come home and eat a light snack. Then while resting, prepare myself mentally for my workout. Then I was going to work on organizing my budget for the week and get a head start on my week.

Instead my day went like this:

6:45 am: Was hungry upon awake, but still packed my food and headed to work. Heated up my sweet potato only to find that it wasn’t fully cooked so the core was raw and only had a few bites. Too lazy and too busy to microwave it any longer. Then drank my protein smoothie, yumm. Honestly, I hate to admit that my idea a few days ago was to eat sweet potato instead of lunch but yeah right, that is definitely not going to happen. Not today.

Uncooked Sweet Potato but great attempt

Still hungry but trying really hard to resist snacking until closer to lunch. It is only like 9:15 am. Stayed distracted but really thinking about food. Yes work was busy but I can work and think about food, I’m a professional. Food consumes my mind. I’m also listening to a book that is taking me on an emotional roller coaster called The Hate U Give. While trying to ignore my loud talking neighbors, I wonder if there is anything shameful in snacking this early (almost 10 am).

I hold out and really that means checking my watch several times between 11 am to 11:30 am to heat up my food as close to noon as possible.

Spicy Thai Basil with Spaghetti Squash

It may no look appetizing there because the photo was taken pre-heat. It was delicious and I work while I eat so I was taking my time and chewing often. A goal of mine is to chew more with each bite.

After my meal is done, I am full. Yet, craving something sweet. For the lack of feeling shameful, I hold off and brush my teeth. I brush my teeth everyday and my dishes at work. Still craving something sweet and wonder what the best option is for this situation because again I.AM.NOT.HUNGRY!

Eventually I go to the vending machine to get red vines, those aren’t the best but better than a bag of chips and better than candy from the candy bowl at a nearby desk. Those people who leave candy on their desk, they are the devil. Luckily the vending machine doesn’t work but I think still charged me and I walk away only to grab two red starbursts from the devils bowl on the route back to my desk.

Oh but that’s okay, I’m going to workout tonight. Going to lift weights and do some yoga because I HAVE A PLAN! That’s right. I have a spreadsheet and I have a plan. And today is the day that all this weight and the fat is going to start melting off. Going to wherever they go when they leave the body.

I end up snacking on trailmix that I got from Trader Joes. It is good the cranberry but I want chocolate. I hold out and finally take off to get on the shuttle back to Seattle.

During the shuttle ride home, I’m literally yelping and googling food options to compliment this windy day. There are tons of soups, since the shuttle drops me off straight in International District. I want to get home I think to finish my plan so a quick meal is best I think and hit up a ramen joint close to my drop-off.

Then this happens:

Samurai Noodle, the restaurant on the side of Uwajimaya. Probably, my favorite part about eating in International District is being around people without having to entertain or host anyone. I know that I am weird but I have a schedule and I also want to be a part of this world. It is so windy today that I take the Airpods out of my ears on my walk back to my car because they don’t feel secure. I’m headed home where all my fitness goals will come alive. I will then find all this secret extra time to focus on editing videos to upload for my vlogging that I want to start. Yup, today is the today!

I get home, rest and relax for about 5-10 minutes and start looking through my yoga book for inspiration on a pose that I want to post today on my Instagram. Then I clear space in my living room, set up the lights, camera and you know what comes next. Action. The joy of doing yoga, and trying a pose that I’ve never tried before is exciting. Especially when it is a post that I can actually do.

No clue on the name… Funky arm something asana

Then as I’m downloading the photos to my phone to post, the lovely BF messages me that he wants to go watch Joker which was just released tonight. It was 6:40 pm and the movie starts at 7 pm. Decisions need to be made quickly. Okay, I’ll take a Lyft there now I say. The driver was so close, I barely grabbed anything and headed out the door.

I could get used to this….

I don’t go to theaters often but when there are wine and recliners involved, hey I’m there! My review on the movie is that it was disturbing in many ways. I really like Joaquin Phoenix and he did a great job in the film.

Another Lyft ride home and well 10 pm is here and time to wind down for the night. I have decided that I need a break tomorrow and will be coming home rather than attending tomorrow’s Toastmaster meeting so I will do tomorrow what I planned on doing today.

I skipped a Facetime call with a friend I super miss. Going to see if tomorrow works for her. Sometimes you have to make fast decisions to change things up. I did that tonight and I have no regrets. I did better than before and I plan to keep the momentum going strong. I’m going for you tomorrow, be ready!


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