I tried a Float Tub

I so badly need sleep. I desperately need sleep so much that I’m now going to focus on self care. I want my body to know that I love it so much, it can relax. I have no clue why I’m wide awake at 4 in the morning almost every night for the past 4 weeks? It isn’t every night but it is way too often. 


Thanks to a corporate discount, I signed up for Class Pass. I am trying hard not to like it because I think it might be a waste of money. Not because the classes are bad or the membership is overpriced but if I waste paying a membership fee and not get great use out of it then I will just be mad at myself. I’ll just try it and see what happens. I signed up and decided to try it out.  I love yoga, everyone who knows me knows that I love yoga but I don’t want to take a yoga class. Oh! I’ll do a float pod! So I did. 

Results? I enjoyed it much better than I thought I would. 
There are some benefits to the float pods. Just so you know, you float because of the epsom salt and in case you are worried you won’t float, the water isn’t that deep. 

I have been so sleep deprived, I have fallen into deep sleep on the bus to and from work, on random chairs waiting for things and literally could fall asleep at work. I’ve fallen asleep during my lash appointment but I think that is normal. 

Step inside your very own float pod/tub

Upon arrival, I did the whole waiver signing and the front desk staff did her spiel. Put earplugs on before entering shower, shower before you go in, put Vaseline on any cuts or open wounds. Light button is here and so is the music button. Both with you can turn on and off at your leisure. There is a robe in case you need to come out and use the restroom. The room you enter for the float pod is your own room with a lock. The room has a shower and a rack for your clothes. It doesn’t have a toilet hence why you’d need to come out for that. Once you shower, you want your face to be entirely dry, remember you are going in a tub of salt water. I had read about two things before arriving, 1. I’ll get bored and 2. I’ll feel claustrophobic.

Luckily, I know how to meditate. Instead of wondering how much time had passed (although this did happen from time to time), I just tried to relax. I was able to lay down and not worry about not floating like some other reviewers mentioned. I was okay with just laying down and trusting the system. I quickly realized that I didn’t like the space music and the pink glow light so I turned both off. I tried to doze off, which I did.  
I laid there with the front of my body above the surface and dry along with my face. Everything else was floating and chilling in the water that was the same temperature as your body they told me earlier. Feeling lightweight and in the pod was fine. I was lucky to get so much space, I thought.

Somewhere after my dozing off wore off, I was wide awake. Still laying with eyes closed, music and lights off. I was getting bored but it wasn’t driving me crazy. It was easy to stay relaxed. I would slightly sway myself from the left wall to the right and vice versa by pushing my self off the side with whatever arm was closest and could touch the wall. I felt light, like on a cloud and I was good. While at the same time hoping that more than 15 minutes had passed. I was playing with my posture like squeezing my shoulder blades together and releasing and noticed that squeezing felt better for my back.

I wanted to support my neck more at one point and remember placing my hands behind my hand and supporting my head and this felt good. Maybe because I knew I could literally get out if I wanted whenever I wanted, I just lied there and hung out. Before I knew it, the machine lady spoke letting me know the session was over. The lights automatically turned on as well. I exited and showered in the same room, with shampoo, conditioner and soap and got dressed and left.

I didn’t plan to shower shower so I didn’t bring a brush but they did have a blow dryer in the bathroom with the toilet. Since I had planned to walk home for extra exercise, I just blow dried it to not catch a cold, go dressed and left. I walked home meeting my 8k steps for the day minimum. I had a glass of wine and slept like a baby. Hopefully this is the start of my awesome sleep routine. 

The place I visited for my float was: Level Float Spa located in Seattle


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