My weekend – Before it got REAL!

Things have gotten real. From the moment, the news about Corona Virus in Seattle, I was nervous about how serious this was and what it would mean for me. I don’t go out much so I wasn’t worried about that but I didn’t feel prepared in any way nor did I know how to avoid people since I take public transportation to work and back.

Business as usual and I even recently edited a weekend video available on YouTube.

Literally the day before the first stay at home order, I went out on a Sunday to celebrate my bf’s bday at the U-District area and it was a ghost town. People were recommended to stay home. I drank too much that night and didn’t feel that great the next day. While out though, I read Governor Inslee’s stay at home order and that essential businesses including dine-in restaurants would no longer be allowed the very next day. Were we lucky that we got to dine in a restaurant?

At first my fear in getting Covid-19 was low, thinking it would pass with minimal challenges. I was more concerned with being a carrier and hurting others. I read so many books about eating dirt and the micro biome in our body that although I washed my hands, I was just not a big germ phobe, as they call it. I generally thought it was better to create less waste and be smart about how I wanted to be clean. A little dirt wouldn’t hurt right?

The other issue is that I don’t watch or read the news. This changed a lot with the Covid-19, because now I had to know what rules I needed to not break. Yes, that is how I think. I need to know what to do so I would not get in trouble. I have become a pretty regular skimmer of the news since the outbreak and have read many stories of people sharing their days dealing with coronavirus and the symptoms and the fevers, body chills and dealing with having others in the household. Where I thought I wasn’t worried about getting it, well now I just didn’t want to.

I have no problem staying home. I used to work from home and because of pure laziness, I would not leave home for days at a time. I would go on walks outside if the weather was nice but if it wasn’t (and it happens to rain a lot here in Seattle), I would just practice yoga or do some other workouts at home. It was not a big deal at all. When the stay at home order was instigated, I ordered two puzzles on Amazon. Then I completed them both over one weekend.

Dogs doing yoga puzzles is really fun by the way.

I, like many others watched a ton of Netflix, cooked, ate a bunch and then it got warm so I went out for a paddle. Not sure if it was really warm enough, 45 degree and sunny so people were definitely out. I felt like on my board, on the lake there is no better way of social distancing.

There are some things that I’ve had on the back of my mind that I wanted to do more of but didn’t, one of them is blogging. Just writing, which makes me soul happy. Another is editing videos and learning and improving that skill. I haven’t really gotten there yet but will. Thanks to other friends who are also quarantined and bored apparently, we started video chatting. They helped me unclog a toilet via video chat using saran wrap. I don’t own a plumber but I did have saran wrap, so yay me! Best part is, it worked!

After several glasses of wine, trying to tackle my clogged toilet.

My friends and I also discovered playing games together on video chat using House Party, which is an app that has built in games. We often just chat with each other before playing games. It is the fun zone. Some live in LA, some live in PDX and I live in Seattle. Far but we are near and nothing compares to goofing around with these friends.

House party! Quarantine style.

We are doing another virtual birthday party in a week for one of the friends in the group. Not sure why but when we are playing virtual games, I tend to start yelling!

I think my biggest achievement thus far is the fact that I’ve leveled up on Beat Saber with Oculus which is a VR software. It is not my first time playing Beat Saber, and I’ve played easy maybe normal but now I play every song on the Hard level because I’m bad ass like that.

I stopped making fancy meals and realized how much it is all costing and have cut back on food food and have started more drinking foods like protein shakes and meal replacements. It is also because I have just eaten so much food and really need to shrink my stomach. The beast needs to back off I say.

I see and hear from those who are suffering. I am so grateful and inspired by medical workers who tirelessly do what they do, especially in a time like today. I am grateful to my roommate who I kind of think is taking this too seriously but I also know is probably keeping me alive (and sane). This is an unprecedented time but this too shall pass. I read about those who are losing loved ones due to the virus and also due to lack of proper medical care and that is really unfortunate and sad. I’m not religious but I see people’s post on social media, I read personal accounts on the news and I do whisper a little prayer for them, their family and their loved ones. I hope we can enjoy this summer outdoors and with those we love.

Thank you all for reading,




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