I can’t even remember life pre-covid

Covid wasn’t supposed to last thing long, maybe lock-down wasn’t supposed to last this long but here we are, almost 5 months in. It doesn’t look like things are going to clear up that easily either.

While I kept using the excuse that when summer is here, I will go for daily walks and regular paddles, summer is here and I really haven’t done those things regularly. I seem to be great at coming up with excuses.

I know routines and habits can be beneficial is created well. To make my body increase energy, I stuck to an easy plan. Eat mostly paleo and workout at least 3 times a week. At least 3 times a week I want to break a sweat. It doesn’t have to be long and there is no marker for being good enough. I just have to break a sweat. I’ve been doing this now for 2-3 weeks with my in home yoga practice about twice a week, a little HIIT (simple stuff), twice a week and paddle 2-3 times a week for at least 30 minutes. The walk to my paddleboard is about 15 minutes one way.

With that, a routine has built and my moving is getting easier. I feel sluggish and heavy but that’s okay because I am doing exactly what is needed to lighten up.

I think my next move will be to reduce the amount of meat I eat and start measuring my body so I can see quantitative progress.

My late night sweat sesh!

I have a dry erase board with the exercise I plan on doing. Some of it comes from just what I make up, like how many Surya Namaskars I plan on doing. The rest I follow this but break it up into sets. Super easy because it really doesn’t require any equipment.


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