When nothing else is working…

Uhh… am I the only one on this planet who is super motivated and completely unmotivated, both at the same time?

yoga mat behind beans used for counting

I’ve tried walking which I used to love and do so often. I’ve tried VR HIIT and BOXING (both great workouts). Of course, I’ve practiced yoga too (duh) but none of these felt very impactful on me. It is like eating a meal and feeling a lack of satiation. You know what I mean? Yet, I often do something because physical movement KEEPS ME SANE.

I haven’t practiced real yoga in so long that my strength and flexibility feel like crap. So last night while I was home alone, I decided to get count out 108 red kidney beans (we have too many and are not eating at a fast enough pace) and brought out two small bowls in front of my mat. MY GOAL was to do a surya namaskara or sun salutation 108 times by the end of the night. I figured it would take like an hour.

I only got to like 30, or whatever number of beans are in the bowl with less beans. It was tiring but I felt great. This was last night. Today, I feel sore but not in a painful way. I think I’m going to try and get back on the mat for a bit and do some more and maybe by Friday, I will have completed 108 sun salutations. That’s not bad, right?!?!


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