Through the Gates of Splendor

I recently heard about this move/documentary through my TreX team leader Danielle who said this movie inspired her to mission.
I bought it through Amazon for around $10 and arrived on saturday. You can find the link to the movie here. I watched it Sunday with my friend and sister. It was an amazing documentary. It is a documentary about Christian love. I especially connected with the compassion the wives and children had for the Woudani people for spearing their fathers and husbands and went back to see that God lived in this village.
It is a story everyone should know about, it teaches forgiveness which was also what the sermon on Sunday was about. Instant forgiveness. I’m sure everyone has someone they should forgive, even if they don’t want to.
That is my goal this week to forgive instantly whole heartedly. It is not as easy as it sounds…..
Can’t wait for the retreat this weekend! So excited to get away and it will satisfy my crave for the outdoors atthe same time. If I have reception from my phone then I should be able tocontinue blogging during my retreat!


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