Better a few minutes a day, then hours in one random day of practice

“Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience” Ralph Waldo Emerson

I read somewhere today that it is better to practice a few minutes a day, rather than hours in one day and skip several days.

I have been practice a few minutes of inversions and backbends several days a week in an effort to advance in my practice. It was nice to read, especially when I felt my practice was growing at a snail pace.

I have a night at home tonight. Normally, I would be practicing but I feel very sluggish because I got horrible sleep last night and my back is quite sore. One of the toughest things for me in my personal practice is  doing something different or new. I recently saw a stick figure sketch that I saw on Seane Corn’s Instagram that I may try. More to come on that.

Some of my ongoing goals I still have are inversions, specifically handstands and backbends. I have a hard time with the flexibility of my upper back (between my shoulder blades). Tonight I will skip my practice and continue tomorrow. Hooray!


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