Author: myhomepractice_3tfts5

  • Intermittent Fasting – Major Fail

    About two, maybe three weeks ago I started intermittent fasting. Most days I fail though, but I’m still losing weight. I’ve been successful in losing and gaining weight. The gaining part I’m not proud of but hey, life happens. I noticed when I’m in a routine, that is when I am the most stable in…

  • The dumbest excuse

    The dumbest excuse is “I’m too busy” or “I don’t have time”. I hear it all the time. From almost anyone except my mom. I don’t ask her for much but she is the one who makes time. For awhile, I thought I didn’t have time to do things I’ve wanted… like write more, practice…

  • Yoga Rat

    Is that the “gym rat” version of someone who is always doing yoga? I almost joined a gym again. Am I insane? It is the end of January so there are probably a ton of people signing up. The first three months will be packed at the gym! Yeah, NO THANKS! Instead, I realized I…

  • Making bruises

    Sometimes when you are at a loss, ask the world wide web. I had been dealing with tenonitis for some time now in my right elbow. I can accept the rest from yoga, I can accept that lifting boxes and moving furniture is not in my near future but I was having a hard time…

  • Keep going

      Fall is in full effect here in Seattle and honestly time has been passing so fast, I somehow didn’t notice the significant drop in temperature. Luckily, the rain hasn’t made it’s daily presence yet so I’m still enjoying the beautiful weather here. I’ve made it a point to get outside everyday so I don’t…

  • My NEW Favorite Travel Mat

    If you have been following me on social media, you know I’ve made the move to the upper left! Seattle has been my new home since August and I’ve been enjoying my time here.  As usual, I am staying as busy as a bee…. I haven’t been looking to teach just yet because I’ve been…

  • A lot has happened

      A lot has happened this year… Just like the previous years before that. As I’m reflecting on the year and what goals to start working on for next year 2018 I’m stuck feeling crashing waves of anxiety. Will I be able to do more? Will I have any life changing experiences? I was constantly…

  • Wanderlust Festival 2017

    I was given an amazing opportunity to teach stand up paddleboard yoga in Tahoe, CA this year for Wanderlust Festival. My friend assisted me during the yoga/music festival. The festival was from July 20th through the 23rd. I only taught Thurs-Saturday. If you’ve never been to Wanderlust Festival, it is such a wonderful experience. They…

  • I’m back

    I’ve been gone awhile…. Busy with a few projects the last few months and am done now. I’ve continued to practice my handstand and posted on Instagram so feel free to check it out. Here are the last three days of handstand. Three days in a row. Day 56: Sunday was spent mostly in the…

  • Better a few minutes a day, then hours in one random day of practice

    “Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience” Ralph Waldo Emerson I read somewhere today that it is better to practice a few minutes a day, rather than hours in one day and skip several days. I have been practice a few minutes of inversions and backbends several days a week in an effort…