Author: myhomepractice_3tfts5

  • Day 33 – To the moutains

      Although I could never live in the mountains (at least not now at this age), it gives me peace and I love going to the mountains. This is a photo taken at a very old zoo up in Wrightwood. I’m handstanding up against the wall of what used to be the home of a…

  • Day 32

      I get better a tiny bit every day that I practice. If I skip more than a day, I go back several steps and have to start over. Once the mat is out, I will find tons of things to work on. The flow comes naturally. It’s getting the mat out. Making sure I’m…

  • Day 31 #YogaEverywhere

      I am teaching SUP Yoga at Yogaqua today and subbing tomorrow as the other instructors are in Hawaii for Wanderlust. I decided to crash at my girlfriend’s place because she lives in LA and we wanted to check out an event at the Last Book Store. We were even going to grab some yummy…

  • The truth about SNOWGA

    Okay, I wanted a yoga picture in the snow. Also, everyone at the lodge wakes up later than I and I don’t know what to do once I’m up. I have such a hard time just laying in bed. I decided to go out and take some yoga photos in the snow. Okay… so it…

  • Day 30 – Handstand Project

      I’m back from Mammoth now but caught a major cold. I’m tired and just want rest but having arrived back home on Monday, the weekend is still a few days away. I volunteered to sub a class tonight and am slightly regretting that I did (considering how tired I am). I usually have some…

  • Day 29 – Handstand at the lodge

      We drove all day Friday to get to Mammoth and the whole ride was rainy. The road up to the mountain lodge was snowy and icy. By the time we arrived, everyone passed out, it was around 2:30am. Got up around 7:30am to board day 1 at Mammoth. Then after a day of riding…

  • Happy V-Day : Day 28 – Handstand Project

    I wrote a post on my Instagram that I’m keeping my legs zipped up today. Then I read a funny caption on someone else’s post “Happy Alentine’s Ay” for those not getting any V’s or D’s which gave me a good laugh. I’ve never been much of a Valentine’s day celebrator because I don’t love…

  • Day 27 – Handstand Project

      I feel so busy and tired every day that by the time I come home I don’t want to practice. I realized though if I just handle a few things once I get home that I really do have the time and energy. I’ve shifted my mentality on the fact that I MUST do…

  • The Handstand Project Days 22-26

    I have been practicing more regularly. My yoga goals are backbends, arm balances and inversions. I barely get any hang time but every so often I surprise myself with the float. Day 22: My typical home practice sequence is a quick warm-up to loosen tightness. Some vinyasas and maybe some push-ups in between. Then I…

  • The Handstand Project – Day 21

      Day 21: I’ve done more handstands than just the 21 days but I haven’t documented it in photos. Weather has been pretty wet and crazy here in SoCal. Saturday was sunny and gorgeous but the rest were crazy. I just got back from the chiropractor and I feel great. I haven’t done photos in…