
Books I either have or wish I had on my shelf:

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[xyz-ihs snippet=”Light-on-Yoga”] | B.K.S. Iyengar

This was a required reading textbook for my first teacher training and I’ve referred back to it so often it was tearing and I had to buy another one.

[xyz-ihs snippet=”Meditation-Secrets-for-Women”] | Maurine & Roche Ph.D.


[xyz-ihs snippet=”Meditations-for-the-Mat”] | Rolf Gates

This is a great book that I’ll often bring to class to read from. This is a great addition to any individual looking to commit to a simple daily spiritual practice of the 8 limbs of yoga.


[xyz-ihs snippet=”Mindset-The-New-Psychology-of-Success”] | Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D.

[xyz-ihs snippet=”Perfect-Health”] | Deepak Chopra


[xyz-ihs snippet=”Theme-Weaver”] | Michelle Berman Marchildon

I’m still reading this book, not sure if I’ll ever be done since there are so many great exercises to help explore who you are and the message you are trying to bring to the yoga class or as a yoga teaching express into the world.