The following are goals that I am focused on right now

  1. Drop body fat percentage by 3-5% by the end of the year
  2. Master jump throughs & jump backs
  3. Start a non-profit | DONE!
  4. Teach stand up paddle board yoga at Lake Union | DONE~
  5. Graduate college: Spring 2020
  6. Blog/vlog weekly | Working on it
  7. Master handstands
  8. Start YTT school for SUP & Land Yoga
  9. Pay off every penny I owe
  10. Learn how to budget properly
  11. Buy a house
  12. Learn Adobe Premiere Pro | Beginner status done
  13. Master Nauli
  14. Have a daily meditation practice
  15. Learn to play guitar
  16. Share nutrition tips for inflammation
  17. Help women entrepreneurs to grow
  18. Read/Listen to more books
  19. Toastmasters 3rd Speech | Done
  20. Workout 5x a week
  21. Launch a new program for non-profit
  22. Read 12 books in 2019 | Done!