Tiger pose – Vyaghrasana

Tiger Pose Vyaghrasana yogabysusan

I don’t make up the names of the poses. I swear. I thought this would be more tricky cat (what I call when hand grabs opposite side foot or ankle) or maybe scoprion. However, a yoga pose book I have calls it Tiger pose AKA Vyaghrasana variation and I googled it and I saw similar poses so I will refer to it as that.

This is a tricky pose that once you find the sweet spot in the pose, you can really go deeper and notice the muscles really working here.
A. Start in tabletop position
B. Lower down to forearms
C. Lift and extend right leg back, pressing through the heel. Imagine you are trying to press the entire foot into an imaginary wall.
D. Take your left forearm and as you press it down, try and slide the forearm forward toward the top of your mat, this should engage some muscles that will help with giving you more stability.
E. Keep your gaze down to the mat and begin to bend into the right knee.
F. As you find your balance as you reach the right arm up and reach back to grab the top of the right foot from the inside (toward the midline of the body as opposed to from outside the body).
G. Press the foot into the hand
– Strong core engagement and drishti is crucial here.


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